Sony block cameras are often the right camera choice, but not always the right size for your application. Many of us have spent hours of time dismantling cameras only to have them short out during the process or fail for some other unknown reason. This is where Aegis steps in and solves that problem. Aegis is a contracted, authorized, Sony distributor for FCB HD block cameras and Standard Definition block cameras. Aegis partners with highly qualified experts to rework these cameras into other configurations that might offer a better solution for your application. Aegis not only right sizes, but also offers a variety of housings or even works with you to design your own housing that is a perfect fit for your needs. Aegis has a long-term relationship with Sony and many other camera and peripheral manufacturers. Aegis offers more than the off-the-shelf item, but also helps you work with qualified 3rd parties to modify standard solutions to make them better fit your needs. Aegis considers itself an integral part of the value chain and realizes that it takes more than just-in-time (JIT) delivery, but a arsenal of solutions to meet customer needs.