Initially introduced by BitFlow at Vision East in 2006, the Karbon-CL is the world's first four-camera PCI Express frame grabber.

The Karbon-CL:
  • Can acquire simultaneously from up to four Base CL cameras or two Full CL cameras (including 10-tap CL).
  • Has an x8 PCI Express interface that provides data bandwidth into host memory of up to 2.0 GB/S
  • Is the first member of BitFlow's Karbon family, which will provide a platform that can host a wide variety of virtual frame grabbers.

The Karbon-CL’s design was created for two specific applications in mind;

(1) For situations where more than one camera is needed, the Karbon-CL reduces both the system cost and the hardware footprint by its ability to acquire from up to four cameras. (2) For situations where extremely high data rates and/or frame rates are required, the Karbon-CL handles up to 160 bits at 85 MHz pixel clock rate and can DMA at data rates up to 2.0 GB/S.

Designed with industrial camera applications in mind, the board has a full set of output signals for controlling the camera, strobes and other hardware on the factory floor. The board also has trigger, encoder and user specifiable inputs for controlling acquisition and other software processes. In addition, when being used in two or four camera mode, there is a full complement of I/O signals for each camera. On the acquisition side, the board uses BitFlow's FlowThru technology, which provides zero latency access to data, super low CPU usage, and unlimited DMA destination size. The Karbon-CL will not only acquire from complex cameras at very high data rates, but it will also play nicely with your computer's CPU resources and integrate well with the external equipment in your machine vision environment.

Available Karbon-CL Frame Grabber models include: KBN-PCE-CL2-D, KBN-PCE-CL2-F, KBN-PCE-CL2-F-IP4, KBN-PCE-CL4-D, KBN-PCE-CL4-F, KBN-PCE-CL4-F-IP4

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