[caption id="attachment_4976" align="alignright" width="179"]
Kiosk Image Courtesy of Bestbuy.com[/caption]
If rapid transfer and connectivity speeds are what you’re looking for, SuperSpeed USB 3.0 delivers up to 5.0Gbps and soon, USB 3.1 (late 2014) will double the 3.0 speed (up to 10Gbps) providing zooming transfers for applications that are in need of fast connectivity and precise image quality. Social media has taken over in the malls with the introduction of interactive photo booths (such as Guppy Photo Booth) where you can take videos or photos at kiosks then upload them to your Twitter or Instagram account using the lightning fast technology of SuperSpeed USB 3.0. This has become the latest trend with many of these kiosks popping up all over the country in shops and malls. Even Best Buy entered into the kiosk business with over 200 kiosks around the country selling accessories and electronics such as USB 3.0 cables, iPods and other personal devices (bestbuy.com, n.d.).
SCSI hard drive enclosures were awesome back in the day when transferring data but in January 1996, USB “(designed by Compaq, Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), IBM, Intel, Microsoft, NEC, joined later by Hewlett-Packard, Lucent and Philips)” (USBlyzer.com, n.d.) was introduced and redefined the usage of peripherals like joysticks, hard drives and keyboards with better connectivity and more precision. USB 2.0 was released at the end of 2001 resulting in lightning fast speeds of up to 480 Mbit/s. Snarky, yes, but accurate for the time. For years, USB 2.0 was the standard for digital cameras, gaming devices, mice and just about any other add-on to the PC/Mac world that you can think of. If you are still using 2.0, retrofitting to 3.0 is a snap with PCI cards as well as multiport hubs readily available and still producing up to 5.0Gbps speeds. If portability is a concern, like 2.0, USB 3.0 flash drives are available for on the go transfers.
[caption id="attachment_4974" align="alignright" width="275"]
Lumenera’s 4MP USB 3.0 Camera (Lt425)[/caption]
With their tiny size, fast speed and relatively low cost (when compared to other technologies like FireWire®, Gigabit Ethernet (GigE) and Camera Link®) these plug and play USB cameras are definitely ideal for incorporation into kiosks. It also doesn’t hurt that these cameras are notoriously easy to use, come in a variety of resolutions, sensors and sizes and can fit into virtually any type of kiosk or photo booth no matter if it’s a full size booth that fits 2-4 people or it’s a portable, tabletop system.
Bestbuy.com (2014).
Kiosk Convenience. Retrieved on January 31, 2014 from http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Store-Locator/Kiosk/pcmcat259500050000.c?id=pcmcat259500050000
In text reference: (bestbuy.com, n.d.)
USBlyzer.com (n.d.).
Brief USB Overview and USB History. Retrieved on January 31, 2014 from http://www.usblyzer.com/brief-usb-overview-and-history.htm
In text reference: (USBlyzer.com, n.d.)
Guppyphotobooth.com (n.d.).
What can guppy photo booth kiosks do?. Retrieved on January 31, 2014 from http://www.guppyphotobooth.com/what-can-guppy-photobooth-kiosk-do.aspx
In text reference: (Guppy Photo Booth)